If you agree that a future of text can influence how we think and communicate, please feel free to join us. The only way we can dream and build a future of text which serves us all—is together.
- If you are a writer, write about the future of text and examine your tools as you do so.
- When you read, do the same.
- If you have thoughts on this, write them down, and share them with us. Get in touch with article and presentation proposals. If accepted, please review the submission requirements.
- If you are a publisher, consider implementing the Visual-Meta system, as the ACM is already doing.
- If you are a coder, code! Build exciting new worlds and share them with us for presentation in our monthly guest-hosted meetings or in the annual symposium.
- If you are a macOS user, try our software and tell us what you really think.
- If you are an educator, join us in discussion on how text can better serve education. This is the theme of the 4th volume of The Future of Text
- If you work in VR/AR/XR, get in touch and we’ll explore and explode what is possible with text into new dimensions, together, as we look into the wide open future of text environments. This was the theme of the 3rd volume of The Future of Text and we are still enthusiastically exploring this opportunity
- If you are a politician, look at the long view of how we can all upgrade a huge range of work by upgrading the way we read and write as well as how we handle large volumes of text.
Whoever, you are, demand more from your text tools. That in itself will make a difference.